Tugce Bicakci Syed
Affiliation: Tekirdag Namik Kemal University
Research Areas:
Period: 19th Century Gothic, 20th Century Gothic, 21st Century Gothic
Gender: Female Gothic
Interdisciplinary Approaches: Folklore and Myth, Technology, Medicine and Science, Spirituality and Religion
Genres and Media: Fiction, Film and TV, Comics and Graphic Novels
Regions and Cultures: Middle-Eastern Gothic
Creatures: Ghosts, Monsters, Vampires
Dr Tuğçe Bıçakçı Syed is Lecturer in English Literature at Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University in Türkiye, currently teaching modules on English literature, popular culture and film adaptation. She completed her PhD at Lancaster University, UK with her thesis defining Turkish Gothic as a national mode intertwined with Turkish identity and politics. Her recent publications include ‘Global Gothic 1: Islamic Gothic’ appeared in the third volume of The Cambridge History of the Gothic (2021) and ‘Gothicising the Ottoman Past and Building Modern Turkey in Turkish Gothic Novels of the 1920s’ included in Middle Eastern Gothics: Literature, Spectral Modernities and the Restless Past (2022).
Email: tbsyed@nku.edu.tr