Luke Lambden

Affiliation: Australian Catholic University

Research Areas:
Period: Early Modern Gothic, 18th Century Gothic, 19th Century Gothic, 20th Century Gothic, 21st Century Gothic
Gender: Female Gothic, Gothic Masculinity, Queer Gothic, Trans Gothic, Gothic Gender
Interdisciplinary Approaches: Eco-Gothic, Folklore and Myth, Technology, Medicine and Science, Spirituality and Religion
Genres and Media: Animation, Fiction, Film and TV, Children and YA, Games, Comics and Graphic Novels, Poetry, Theatre and Performance
Regions and Cultures: Postcolonial Gothic, African Gothic, American Gothic, Antipodean Gothic, Arctic Gothic, Asian Gothic, Black Gothic, Canadian Gothic, Caribbean Gothic, Creole Gothic, European Gothic, Irish Gothic, Latin American Gothic, Middle-Eastern Gothic, Nordic Gothic, Scottish Gothic, Southern American Gothic, Tropical Gothic, Welsh Gothic
Creatures: Animals, Ghosts, Monsters, Vampires, Zombies

I am a fourth-year Law and Arts student at ACU Melbourne. I wish to do my postgrad study in this area.
