Louise Child

Affiliation: Cardiff University

Research Areas:
Period: 19th Century Gothic, 20th Century Gothic, 21st Century Gothic
Gender: Female Gothic, Gothic Masculinity, Gothic Gender
Interdisciplinary Approaches: Folklore and Myth, Spirituality and Religion
Genres and Media: Arts, Fiction, Film and TV, Comics and Graphic Novels
Regions and Cultures: Postcolonial Gothic, African Gothic, American Gothic, Antipodean Gothic, Asian Gothic, Canadian Gothic, Caribbean Gothic, Creole Gothic, European Gothic, Southern American Gothic
Creatures: Aliens, Ghosts, Monsters, Vampires

I am interested in popular and indigenous Gothic film and have published a monograph, Dreams, Vampires and Ghosts, and co-edited a book with Aaron Rosen, Religion and Sight. I explore psychological and anthropological approaches to many Gothic tropes, suggesting ways in which contemporary animism can illuminate aspects of consciousness and the body in film and literary contexts.

Email: childl@cardiff.ac.uk