Gothic Studies

First published in 1999, Gothic Studies is the refereed journal of the International Gothic Association. The journal currently appears twice each year, and will soon move to publishing three times each year.

It publishes a mixture of general issues and guest-edited specials. Gothic Studies also includes a regular reviews feature, occasional interviews with significant figures in Gothic, calls for papers and conference announcements. This is the foremost academic publication exclusively devoted to the field of Gothic, and it thus represents essential reading for students and teachers of the genre.

Contributors and guest editors over the past ten years have included Jerrold E. Hogle, Robert Miles, Benjamin F. Fisher, David Punter, Fred Botting, Neil Cornwell, Marie Mulvey-Roberts, Steven Bruhm, Anne Williams, Michelle Massé, Carol A. Senf, Lisa Hopkins, Andrew Smith, Jeffrey N. Cox, Avril Horner, Sue Zlosnik, Gina Wisker, Eugenia DeLamotte, Paulina Palmer, Jason Haslam, Scott Brewster, George E. Haggerty, Catherine Spooner, Manuel Aguirre, Stephen Shapiro, China Miéville and Anne Rice. Gothic Studies aims to publish cutting-edge work by both established scholars and more recent entrants to the field.

Special issues have been produced on a wide range of Gothic authors, periods and national traditions. These have included guest-edited editions on Monstrosity and Anthropology, Romanticism and the ‘New Gothic’, Reanimating Gothic Drama, Gothic Cults and Gothic Cultures, Postcolonial Gothic, Female Gothic, Queering Gothic Films, Italy and the Gothic, Gothic in Contemporary Popular Culture, Postfeminist Gothic and Material Gothic. Gothic Studies is especially interested in commissioning special issues which expand or question the existing boundaries of the genre.

Gothic Studies


Editor: Emily Alder, Edinburgh Napier University
Associate Editor: Timothy Jones, University of Stirling
Reviews Editors: Maisha Wester, Indiana University Bloomington (North America); Sorcha Ní Fhlainn, Manchester Metropolitan University (UK and Europe)
Editorial Assistant: Frances Thielman, Texas A&M University

Gothic Studies invites two types of submissions from its readers. The journal will publish articles on any period, national tradition, or topic within the Gothic in general issues.

Writing and editing for Gothic Studies

The journal will publish articles on any period, national tradition, or topic within the Gothic in general issues. For further information, please visit the journal’s page on the EUP website:

Potential guest editors for special issues should contact the Editor, Emily Alder (, who will both advise them on the content of the proposal, and support the editing of the special issue whilst it is in progress. Qualified guest-editors are responsible for drafting a call for papers, the initial moderation process, editing and writing the introduction of the final volume.

Reviewing for Gothic Studies

Reviews should be 900-1200 words in length. Review articles which consider two or more works may be somewhat longer. Reviews and review articles should be produced to the journal’s style guidelines.

If you would like to review for Gothic Studies, please contact the reviews editor responsible for the area in which the work is published:

Europe and Asia: Dr. Sorcha Ní Fhlainn,, Department of English, Manchester Metropolitan University Manchester, M1 5NH

US, Canada, Australia: Dr. Maisha Wester,

Gothic Studies is especially interested in commissioning special issues which expand or question the existing boundaries of the genre.

Subscribing to Gothic Studies

Gothic Studies is published by Edinburgh University Press on behalf of the International Gothic Association –

Full IGA membership includes a subscription to the journal (print and online).

Institutional Subscriptions are available through Edinburgh University Press.


Please direct any queries about the journal subscription to