Rune Graulund

Affiliation: University of Southern Denmark

Research Areas:
Period: 20th Century Gothic, 21st Century Gothic
Interdisciplinary Approaches: Eco-Gothic, Folklore and Myth, Technology, Medicine and Science
Genres and Media: Fiction, Film and TV, Games, Comics and Graphic Novels, Tourism and Travel
Regions and Cultures: Postcolonial Gothic, American Gothic, Arctic Gothic, European Gothic, Nordic Gothic, Tropical Gothic
Creatures: Aliens, Animals, Ghosts, Monsters, Vampires, Zombies

Rune Graulund is the co-author of Grotesque (2013) and Dark Scenes From Damaged Earth: The Gothic Anthropocene (2022) as well as a range of articles and chapters on the Gothic and the grotesque on subjects such as “Desert Globalgothic”, “The Dark, Dead Corners of the Earth: The Imaginary of the Antarctic as Deserta”, “Posthuman Horror (and Hope)”, “The Zombie Tropocalypse”, “Nanodead: Technologies of Death”, “Restrained Excess: Where Sophistication Meets Excess” and, with Timothy Morton, “The Dark Currents of Energy in Twin Peaks: The Return”.
