Raquel Alfaro

Affiliation: University of Rochester

Research Areas:
Period: 20th Century Gothic, 21st Century Gothic
Gender: Female Gothic, Gothic Gender
Genres and Media: Fiction
Regions and Cultures: Postcolonial Gothic, Latin American Gothic
Creatures: Aliens, Animals, Ghosts, Monsters, Vampires, Zombies

Raquel Alfaro (PhD University of Pittsburgh) specialises in the study of contemporary Latin American literature with a special interest in the Andean region and women’s literary production. His research revolves around works that contain decolonising proposals, that is, that seek to undermine the assumptions of hegemonic Western logic by contrasting it with expressions from indigenous cultures, to offer alternative cultural projects. He pays special attention to those works that use strategies from horror literature to achieve the stated purpose. He is currently Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Modern Languages ​​and Cultures at the University of Rochester.

Raquel Alfaro (PhD Universidad de Pittsburgh) se especializa en el estudio de literatura latinoamericana contemporánea con especial interés en la región andina y en la producción literaria femenina. Su investigación gira en torno a obras que contienen propuestas descolonizadoras, es decir, que persiguen minar los presupuestos de la lógica occidental hegemónica contraponiéndola a expresiones provenientes de culturas indígenas, para ofrecer proyectos culturales alternativos. Presta especial atención a aquellas obras que emplean estrategias de la literatura del horror para alcanzar el propósito señalado. Actualmente es Visiting Assistant Professor del Department of Modern Languages and Cultures de University of Rochester.

Email: ralfaro@ur.rochester.edu