Giulia Champion

Affiliation: University of Southampton

Research Areas:
Period: 20th Century Gothic, 21st Century Gothic
Gender: Female Gothic, Queer Gothic, Trans Gothic
Interdisciplinary Approaches: Eco-Gothic, Folklore and Myth, Technology, Medicine and Science, Gothic Music
Genres and Media: Arts, Fiction, Film and TV, Poetry, Theatre and Performance, Tourism and Travel, Virtual Gothic
Regions and Cultures: Postcolonial Gothic, African Gothic, Caribbean Gothic, Latin American Gothic, Scottish Gothic, Tropical Gothic
Creatures: Ghosts, Monsters, Vampires

Dr Giulia Champion is a Research Fellow (Anniversary Fellowship) at the University of Southampton.

Her project investigates different communities’ engagement with and representations of the seabed through culture, science communication and policy. It interrogates how these may influence marine governance and the concept of Ocean Justice, with a particular focus on “in/tangible” underwater cultural heritage and the current development of the mining code by the International Seabed Authority.

In 2022, she was a Green Transition Fellow at the Greenhouse at the University of Stavanger. She volunteers for the International Commission of the History of Oceanography and is a co-convenor for the Haunted Shores Network and the Reading Decoloniality Group and a collaborator on the Ecological Reparation Project. Her work has been published in journals including Gothic Studies, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Green Letter, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies and The Journal of Energy History.
