Antonio Alcala Gonzalez

Affiliation: Tecnologico de Monterrey

Research Areas:
Period: 19th Century Gothic, 20th Century Gothic, 21st Century Gothic
Interdisciplinary Approaches: Eco-Gothic, Folklore and Myth, Gothic Music
Genres and Media: Film and TV
Regions and Cultures: American Gothic, Latin American Gothic, Nordic Gothic, Scottish Gothic
Creatures: Monsters

Antonio (Tony) Alcala is founder of the International Gothic Literature Congress, and chair of the Humanities School at Tecnologico de Monterrey in Santa Fe, Mexico City. He has co-edited special journal issues on Nautical Gothic (Gothic Studies) and the legacy of H.P. Lovecraft in the twenty-first century (Aeternum). He also co-edited the critical collections Doubles and Hybrids in Latin American Gothic and Lovecraft in the 21st Century: Dead, But Still Dreaming (both published by Routledge).
