Àlex González Charro
Affiliation: UNED
Research Areas:
Period: 20th Century Gothic, 21st Century Gothic
Gender: Female Gothic, Gothic Masculinity, Trans Gothic
Genres and Media: Fiction, Film and TV
Regions and Cultures: Postcolonial Gothic, American Gothic, Caribbean Gothic, Latin American Gothic
Creatures: Ghosts, Zombies
Àlex González Charro has just finished a Master’s Degree in English Literature and Its Social Impact at the UNED. His final dissertation, There Is Nothing More Beautiful than the Death of a Beautiful Young Woman: The Abject in Edgar Allan Poe’s Tales and its Visual Representation, revolved around the representation of the abject in Edgar Allan Poe’s work and its visual representation. He studied English Studies at Universidad de León and he has been working a Secondary Education teacher with a special interest in task-based learning and cooperative work. Besides this, he has also collaborated as an English teacher in the Psychology Degree at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
His main fields of interest are representation of the abject and the abjection in horror literature, the relationship between literature and the arts, especially illustration, and popular culture.
Next academic year, he will start his Ph.D. studying the relationship between the haunted house and the transient subject in North American and Latin American literature.
He has participated in the 7th Seminar of the Master in English Cultural Studies and their Social Impact (2021) and later this year he will be joining XI Coloquio Internacional: Mujer y poéticas de la salud.
Email: agonzalez861@alumno.uned.es